"Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly." -Albert Einstein

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Dead at 47: Homeless People are Exposed to much worse than cold.

   found on:   Mental Health Minute
Although written for the UK, I felt this article was both  timely and useful for us here in the USA.  Homelessness is an insidious blight to our society.  That we allow this to be says quite a lot about us as a people, I think.
This is an interesting article from the Guardian on Facebook.  I highly recommend you check them out and read other interesting articles they have there.  This article, for me, is just too sad.  It’s also sad to see, here in print, that this is a global issue, not a local one.  With our global economy in the tank, homelessness is on the rise.  What do we plan to do about it?  Anything?
Wednesday 21 December 2011

 By Pem Charnley

It’s not the weather that tends to kill homeless people – it’s a descent into addiction and a dearth of services catering to them

A new report from Crisis highlights the short life expectancy of people who live on the streets – just 47 years, which is 30 fewer than the general population. How can we start to unknot the various and intricate threads that lead up to someone finding refuge in a car park at three in the morning, trying to find a safe place for the night?
In a relatively temperate climate such as ours, not having a roof over your head seldom is the killer. Not in my experience anyway. The homeless people I’ve once known who passed away either drank themselves to a jaundiced death, or hanged themselves because they couldn’t set themselves free from heroin. When you appreciate that waiting lists for help with addiction are frustratingly lengthy for those who do have a home, then you begin to understand how precious little it amounts to when a homeless person has a brief moment of clarity in a sleeping bag. You can’t just hang in there until 8am and call your GP (Dr.). There’s no referral letters for treatment through the post, no phone calls from a key worker confirming an appointment for the following week. No peck on the cheek from a relieved spouse as you have a quick shave and disappear off to an AA or NA meeting, hope restored.
Homelessness and addiction, the perennial Catch-22. It’s nigh on impossible to separate these two; you’d call them bedfellows, only in this instance, there is no bed. And when there’s no bed, it’s hardly down to a lack of willpower if you’re going to use drugs or drink to numb your sense of helplessness and isolation: four out of five people start using at least one new drug after becoming homeless. That’s some bleak statistic.
The Crisis report finds that a third of all deaths amongst the homeless are attributed to alcohol or substance abuse. Can those numbers ever be brought down? Well, how can you realistically turn your life around under such circumstances? We are always told that health should come first, but is this possible when you haven’t got a fixed address? Specialised services catering to those on the streets do exist in some places, but just as postcodes can be pivotal in our children’s education, they also play a part in support for the homeless. It’s a rather cruel irony when you haven’t actually got a postcode to begin with.
Speaking to my local homeless charity here in Exeter, it was pleasing to know that the centre organises GP visits, which are scheduled on a regular basis – an encouraging fact, yet you can’t help but wonder why this can’t be a given regardless of where you are living. Immediate health advice (including mental health – homeless people are nine times more likely to kill themselves than the general population) and reliable support is of paramount importance to those living on the streets. When you’ve experienced how hopeless addiction can feel, it’s more than likely that substance abuses and suicides are one and the same statistic, and it desperately needs to be addressed holistically.
So, where to start? Sadly, the downturn has brought with it an almost inevitable increase in homelessness. Never was there such a poor time to cut back on budgets, yet with our government-led savings of up to 65% in key services who cater to vulnerable people, it seems unlikely that we’ll see any kind of improved outreach or support any time soon.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

A little craftiness to get me through...

My friend, Johnnie, has a great crafting blog (www.savedbylovecreations.com), and she has the greatest crafting ideas, I swear! As I mentioned earlier, making things helps me to calm down and clear my head. It's probably as close to meditating as I ever get. So, I thought I'd show you the last thing I made, that I did get from Johnnie's blog. If you like it, you will find her tutorials EASY-peasy, and what a lot of satisfaction I get (and I suspect you will, too) from making even a simple thing, with your own hands.
Blessings and peace to you and yours on this Christmas Eve. Oh, and here's the paper-coiled Cross I've been working on:

Friday, December 23, 2011

Last one before the Holy Night!

Hey, friends! I hope you've gotten all the stuff you needed to do, done, to be ready to celebrate the Birth of the Christ-child!  We're packing up things to take to my Sweety's parent's home, North of here. The running joke is "This time, I think I'll bring some of HIS clothes, too!" If you have or know folks with ADD, you probably can imagine what that's all about. <sigh>

Anyway, we're making a quick trip up & back, but I have to say that I hit In-law paydirt with his parents. They are the nicest and most accepting people ever. It's like when I was getting to know my Sweet man, he kept FREAKING ME OUT, b/c he's SO unlike the idiots  others. They are in the same category. I get all stressed out at the thought of spending time with his folks, and then when we're together, I realise that my imagination has gone wild again, and I feel kinda silly. (Yeah, that's a pretty familiar feeling for me!) SO, tonight we'll try to sleep, and at about 6:30 in the am, we're heading out. UGH. I'm just hoping the cats will be ok. We've been having pretty obvious wrestling for the Alpha Cat spot, of late. ; ) Idk who I want to win. Just no blood-shed!!
I hope your holidays are calm, peaceful, maybe even joyous, and much less crazy than you (I) imagined they would be.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

I hope you've got headphones/speakers on!

This, my friends, is for you. And for  me. In my experience, nothing can sooth my ravaged soul more than sweet melodies. This video is just awesome. Idk if I'll be back before Christmas Day, so just in case, I pray that whoever reads this will (watch the video) and be blessed over the holidays...

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Dissociative Identity Disorder

Dissociative Identity Disorder

Well, hopefully it doesn't apply to you,Dissociative Identity Disorder (D.I.D.)*

But it might. We used to call it Multiple Personality Disorder. Some people think this label applies to Schizophrenia, but because you read this blog, you know the difference.

People who suffer from Schizophrenia may hear voices, but they don't usually have multiple personalities. These are both Axis I disorders, by the way, not personality disorders (Axis II).

And this is not Depersonalization Disorder, either, which is getting some press because Adam Duritz of Counting Crows (a popular rock band) is said to have it. (Read Dr. Deb). Depersonalization Disorder features persistent or recurrent experiences of feeling detached from one's mind or body, as if watching the self as an outside observer.

I first came upon Dissociative Identity Disorder when I met a client who had been a victim of incest, we're talking about 1984. (If you're faint-hearted you may not want to read on. I'm changing all the details for you, so this is total fiction, and it's a quick read, but nevertheless. . .upsetting).

The patient, age 40 at the time, recalled being a child of about six years old laying helpless on a sofa while her father molested her in every way imaginable. She grabbed onto a lace tablecloth that covered an end table and twirled it in her hand while he did this, all the while imagining that she was someone else, another child, complete with alternative personality, looks, parents, name, toys, friends, etc.

She played her fantasy so well in her head that she didn't feel (as much as she might have otherwise) what was happening to her. You can see why she did it, tranced out like that. She came to like this other self, so much in fact, that she often referred to herself as the other girl, used the other's name.

The patient became the other girl, too, had multiple selves. After all, the other girl didn't exist except in her head. And as confusing as this sounds, she could switch off all the time, unconsciously or at will. She experienced reality at different times as two different people.

Since that time I've treated only two others with this disorder who described similar circumstances, one sexual abuse, the other physical abuse. This ability to dissociate, to separate the self or ego, from what is happening in "real" time, is obviously the ego's defense system operating in a most sophisticated fashion.

Sometimes a person develops several personalities, in which case they are called, multiples. One identity suffers, so it helps to have a few who do not. Understudies.

Treatment's remarkable.

Anyway, I thought you'd like to be able to diagnose this for real, just in case you sometimes wonder,
Am I? Is she? Is he?
Here you go. 300.14 Dissociative Identity Disorder
A. The presence of two or more distinct identities or personality states (each with its own relatively enduring pattern of perceiving, relating to, and thinking about the environment and self).

B. At least two of these identities or personality states recurrently take control of the person's behavior.

C. Inability to recall important personal information that is too extensive to be explained by ordinary forgetfulness.

D. The disturbance is not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g., blackouts or chaotic behavior during Alcohol Intoxication) or a general medical condition (e.g., complex partial seizures). Note: In children, the symptoms are not attributable to imaginary playmates or other fantasy play.

NOTE: This post is from http://everyoneneedstherapy.blogspot.com/2008/06/dissociative-identity-disorder.html

Monday, December 19, 2011


Ok, so last week, I took my Sweety to the Dr., and he told him to go get an EEG. (I told you, right?) Well, Saturday night "we" had the most bizarre experience. I wish I had time to go into it, but suffice it to say that he had one of his "siezures" for 3-5 hours, and did not remember anything the next morning. I would have sworn he was completetly obliterated, like drunk or something, but there was no odor, and it wasn't exactly like that. He was slurring his words, stumbling, etc., and introduced me to "the guys" (regulars) at the bar-part of the restaurant, AGAIN. I didn't know whether to be pi$$ed off or sad, so I was both. Well, the next morning I went to church alone and didn't talk to my man about it until I got back home, when he explained that he didn't "do" anything, and he also had no recall from about 7 pm until 11:30 or so when he finally went to bed....
We've been addressing the anxiety issues, but is this a part of that? Or something else altogether? Idk. I'm grateful to have friends at church who are more than willing to pray. Oh, and 23 days from now, he gets to have an MRI donr. We returned to the Dr. this morning and he seemed fairly concerned. the Mr. is scheduled to work W-TH-FR, and I'm not looking forward to that. The siezures flare up almost exclusively when he's at work. He's been on the couch for most of the day today, just not feeling quite right. I asked him to  try to describe it, and he said almost like out-of-body... Sounds kinda like dissassociating.
This one gets to go on both blogs.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Herbal remedies - what works and what doesn't?

Researchers from the Global Neuroscience Initiative Foundation, a non-profit organisation based in Los Angeles, have been reviewing research into nutritional supplements for treating anxiety. They pooled the results of 24 studies involving more than 200 participants. They found that extracts of passionflower and kava were effective as were L-lysine and L-arginine but that St John's Wort and magnesium supplements were not. There were no serious side effects from any of the herbal remedies.
I find this sort of thing very interesting. Aren't Naturopathic treatments where our modern medicine originated? Yet, the Medical professional community seems to be pretty much opposed to "natural" treatments. Hm?
 I tried "Sam-E" a while back for the depression and general malaise I felt, and it really did the trick for a while. I think the packaging said to stop taking it for a couple of weeks after taking the stuff for a month or so, so that's where they lost me. I can tolerate getting through the weeks of waiting for (antidepressant) meds to noticably take affect, but that's because after that, they're going to work for a long time, with only minor adjustments required. I don't know how it is for everone who deals with clinical depression, but I'm no good to anyone if I'm not actively pursuing the remedy. When I"ve taken myself off of the medication before, it's never been a good thing. So, I continue, because I owe it to my family to be the best Mom, wife, daughter, etc., that I am capable of being. And w/out treating the depression, I become a slug. What about you? What's the most noticeable symptoms for your mental health issues?

Friday, December 16, 2011

"Smart is the new Sexy"

So, I've been contemplating lately...Wonder if anyone's diagnosed the miscellaneous disorders that ARE "The Big Bang Theory"'s characters?
Also...is it cheesy to "follow" yourself? I accidentally did before, but got it fixed. The little one isn't home tonight, so I'm off to hang w/ a few of my peeps. Maybe I'll see you there? ; )
Till the next time...

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Thank God for Insurance!

This morning I took my Love to the hospital for some tests. On the way home he was talking about how nice it is to have some kind of insurance. We've gone for a long while w/o any-and not b/c we were the pictures of health, either- but it is really beautiful to get to see a Dr. not just a GP, when you NEED to.
When we first got it, I'd been off misc. mental health meds for a WHILE, and couldn't remember the last time I'd seen a Gyn. : (
Now, a few months after acquiting the blessed holy grail of insurance, I'm up on all needed meds, seen the Gyn, getting w/ a Counselor, and even had a thing taken off of somewhere. (No, it's not like THAT. Pig.) j/k
My kids have always had Medicaid, due to the eldest having serious genetic heart conditions, and generally b/c I've somehow managed to keep my head JUST above the water of dire poverty for a number of years now. Funny thing, if you're REALLY poor, you can get help in unbelievable ways. But if you're just poor enough to not be able to buy, oh Idk, food, or gas to get to work...then no one will help you.
As grateful as I am for various places that have helped us stay afloat, I gotta say that the "system" is really kinda whack.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

ADHD & Creativity

Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) could be more creative than other people.     Holly A. White from the University of Memphis and Priti Shah from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor studied 60 people, 30 of whom had ADHD. They found that the adults with ADHD had higher levels of real-world creative achievement and displayed higher levels of creative thinking on a test of creativity. People with ADHD showed an inclination towards idea generation while those without ADHD were stronger at problem clarification and developing ideas.

Wonderful Land

Hello, friends!
It's Wednesday, and it's really quite grey outside. I sincerely hope it's not going to remain this way throughout the winter, but experience tells me that it's likely. Thank God for vitamin D. Among other things, I seem to deal with "Seasonal Affective Disorder". I've heard of people buying a sunlamp or something like that, to combat the s.a.d., but vitamin supplements are much more within my budget.
I'm so tickled that you're here!! I'm feeling SO MUCH MORE LIKE MYSELF, since the Dr. put me on some appropriate meds. I hate depending on all that to function at my best, but I suppose it is what it is. And today, I can accomplish much, even FINISH projects-no, really, I CAN! 
I've been creating coiled-paper crosses for Christmas presents, and yesterday for a change of pace, I fashioned a couple of little ornament/tags...I guess I'll have to get a picture & show you. I'm not entirely sure of my crafting abilities, but as logn as I keep in mind that PERFECTION is just NOT necessary-nor is it going to HAPPEN, EVER-I tend to do alright. 
I just remembered that I want to post a link here on fb. I'm hoping to get back to the library tomorrow and if I do, there will be pictures for you to admire (or scoff at, whichever you prefer). ;)
In the next week or so, I plan on getting a lot more things on here to look at and interact with; suggestions? 

P.S. Here's the little snowman thingy...kinda cute, huh?

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Down the Rabbit Hole...a good place to begin

It's the first day on the appropriate meds for one -or more- of the things that make me, Quirky Me, so it seemed like a great day to finally begin this blog. I'll be writing primarily about Mental Health stuff, but expect the occasional craft-making post or other misc. things. (I find creating things to be therapeutic, and maybe you do too?)
Anyway, if you found your way here from my Freshman blog "Cross Addicted" (abbiegrrl.blogspot.com), I hope you'll let me know. I'm open to suggestions as to what you'd like to read about. As I am in the process of acquiring a degree in Human Services, with a Mental Health concentration, that will be the focus.
Please, Let me know if you stop by.