Ok, while I'm thinking about the insurance headaches, the medical professionals' (Occasional overall, I suppose, but WAY too often in my experience) condescension and overall suspicions of anyone who *USED TO* abuse drugs. And, for the record, can I just mention that if I wanted to get ahold of drugs, I'd surely not be stupid enough to admit UP FRONT that I used to have a problem, now would I? AND while I'm venting, I never wanted LEGAL drugs, ANYWAY!!
Where was I? Oh, Insurance.
I'm quite certain that they give you a nonfunctional/wrong phone number and BROKEN website URL, in the hopes that you'll DIE before you find a way to get ahold of them. I've thought about this before, in dealing with various Government departments, and I'm not even a little bit persuaded otherwise.
Call me crazy if you want, but I'm just biding my time before I can get the Hell outta Dodge. If you see me on fb, you probably know what I mean.
God bless you and I pray you have all the health and blessings that you can handle. :)
I've been thinking on an article concerning insurance lately, maybe it's time!