"Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly." -Albert Einstein

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Dust Bunnys

Hello, friends. I'm wrapping up the last few weeks of the Ethics class, and I'm really dying to get on here and get you all caught up on life at our little place!! ...alas, it's gonna have to wait a little while longer. In the meantime, here's a little something I found on JUST BE REAL  a friends' blog, and I wanted to share it with you.
P.S. I got my housekeeping p.o.v. from an old friends' Mom, who said "If it bothers you, you can (take care of)  it!"  Thanks, Ma Miles.

Where to find them or " The Natural Environment"

Dustbunnies have been around for centuries and are an untouched resource of easy-care pets for our busy life styles. They have lived quietly along side us and have already been domesticated.
You probably have one or two which have "adopted" you and you wouldn't even know it.
The Dustbunny seeks out spaces that receive little traffic, and preferably dark - although some do become curious of the outside world.

Dust Bunny Defenses

Dustbunnies have their own paratrooper squads that one must be on the look-out for. However, since the Dustbunnies do not have their own Air Force they depend on fan blades to transport them, so invasions usually take place during warm summer days.
There are also small legions of foot soldiers that parade across the floor when the ventilation units are turned on.
When heavy objects are moved they will scurry for cover. This is the best time for capture.
Did you know that Dustbunnies eat spiders and other things that crawl into their territory? Also, they like to use pencils as exercise equipment. It may cost $100 per day to capture them if you live in a big city.

Dustbunny Social Life

Dust Bunnies are very prolific. There is no such thing as ONE Dust Bunny. Left to their own devices, dustbunnies will reproduce at alarming rates.
Dustbunnies like to use stereo-systems as their own personal Singles Clubs. Dancing usually takes place on the older models with a LP turntable, as the laser show of the CD drives have been linked to Fur Cancer in studies conducted at DBU.
Believe it or not DISCO is still their favorite music. If you find any dancing on the head of your needle, please remove gently and place off to the side so they can catch their breath.
There is now a new "Take your Dust Bunny to Work Day".. If you do this, make sure you only bring back your home Dust Bunnies and not the ones from work. Although, the ones at work may like a nice holiday.

Dustbunny care: Care for dustbunnies is very low maintenance.

Feeding: Dust Bunnies will find their own food. They have a tendency to turn vegetarian - if you do not wish them to eat your houseplants you may wish to gently wipe them off the leaves with a gentle but firm "no".
Dustbunnies need a quiet, dark place to make a hutch or home, under beds and dressers are the ideal spots. If you wish them to find their own space, don't be surprised if you catch them crawling the walls and hanging from the chandeliers.
Dust Bunnies prefer small hidden places where no one looks.

When giving you Dust Bunnies a bath, make sure that you have the safety net put on. This way your Dust Bunnies will not get sucked back into the wash or go down the drain. They enjoy congregating in pipes and Roto-Rooter may hurt them.
Now that the heating season is here, make sure that you have collected your Dustbunnies off of the heaters and registers. Burnt fur does not smell very good and it does spook your Dustbunnies.
When using a dehumidifier, please pay special attention to the coils. Dustbunnies like to drink from these and may become too wet to move. Gently wipe them off and place in a dryer with clothes. They will collect on the lint screen and then can be released.

Health Care:
Unlike many pets, Dustbunnies do not need inoculations or veterinary visits. If your Dustbunny begins to look peaked, build it a nest of laundry lint and in a few days your pet will be looking fine and frisky.

Making your home Dustbunny friendly:

If you are missing an item, check the Dust Bunny hutch. Unlike Raccoons who will actively look for goodies, Dustbunnies will only take what they can get easily especially anything left on the floor near their home.

Natural enemies of the Dust Bunny:
 Giant sucking machines (i.e. Hoovers, Kirbys, Dust Vacs, etc.) keep them as far away from your Dustbunny if you don't want to scare them.

Deuteronomy 31:6 "Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the LORD your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.”

1 comment:

  1. My house is totally dust bunny friendly. They are my very favorite pets!


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